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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Improvement Communication

Social media is a platform without limit of time and locality. The main goal of use that platforms are share and discuss about something. That is a social interaction. You can connect with people from all the world on social media platforms. On the other hand if you are curious about what is social media platforms, they are just online pages for share the documents on network. People who is using the technolocigal things on their everyday life, they are conversant to hear about youtube, flickr, facebook, etc. They are most popular social media tools. Why people use that? Why they are popular or what is the opportunities of them? There is many reasons to chose social media however, we can separate it firstly to marketing and daily.

In simpler terms, everybody can say whatever they want from here and share, because of this it has so much facilities. Opportunities for user to form and maintain relationships on the internet have multiplied. Not only has the use of instant messaging increased tremendously, but internet-based chatrooms and social networking sites are also rapidly gaining prominence as venues for the formation and maintenance of personal relationships. In addition, social media's role in giving people the power. Many shy people find it easy to express themselves online. Typing on your own computer doesn't feel like a social situation. There is less anxiety than there might be in a face-to-face situation. Physical attractiveness is also less important online. For example, sex is often easier to discuss than it is in a face-to-face situation. This can lead to increased online flirting in otherwise platonic relationships. The liberal use of smiley faces ";-)" to connote that a statement is meant humorously helps a little, but it may not be enough to prevent a flame war.

That is very popular thinking that technology is making us imaginary, and to zoom out us from social medium. This is another part about social media`s role. Behavior Online is a good example of this principle. Mental health professionals and others can interact online with some of the most prominent clinicians and researchers in the field. Gender switching and pseudonyms are fairly common. Online chat rooms are full of people who are identified only by a nickname. On the Internet you can pretend to be anyone or anything you want to be. In stalking horse people are often brasher and more outspoken than they would normally be. They hides their real identity and they find their inhibitions reduced. For example, women sometimes pretend to be men in order to avoid the possible injection of online sexuality. Internet communication is sometimes different than other types of communication.

Marketing, is another dimension that using also social media. That sector came to the world with social media. The most important properties are to have accesibility, usability, recensy, permanence, all of all are composing that area. Cause of that, companies are connecting easly with their target audience. Produce is what makes social media marketing work. It replicates a message through user to user contact, rather than the traditional method of purchasing of an advertisement or a press release. The message does not necessarily have to be about the product. Many successful vital campaigns have gathered steam through an amusing or compelling message, with the company logo or tagline included incidentally. Building ways that enable fans of a brand or company to promote a message themselves in multiple online social media venues. An analogy; fan pages in Twitter, MySpace and Facebook follow this model. It is based around online conversations.

The benefits of social media to individuals and organizations are online communities. Communications today means more than a snazzy website and newsletter. That the incredible advances in communications technology over the past quarter-century make possible an entirely new model of organizing and ways of bringing people and resources together quickly and efficiently to tackle a single problem or to form lasting communities.

In short, online communications today is about forming connections, creating community, and organizing action in previously unimaginable ways. Today, of course, trying to work without internet access is nearly unthinkable, especially in an area like communications, where ease of distribution and cheap bandwidth made possible by technology are revolutionizing the discipline.